Par for the Course

Using FREE HubSpot tools to manage golf tournament registrations and sponsorships

CRA ON Golf Tournament Logo idea.png

Before we dive into the project, it’s important to note the road that led up to working on this event. Back in 2019, I was working in the equipment rental industry as a marketing associate for a software company. At that time, I had eagerly volunteered for the local Canadian Rental Association (CRA) Ontario board of directors. With aspirations to write newsletters, improve the online presence, and streamline communication with members, I was fully onboard to Raise the Standard.

Shortly after joining the board as a Director at Large, the pandemic drastically shifted the momentum of our plans. Recently I reconnected with the board and was presented with an exciting opportunity.

Golf Deals // Practicing The Backswing

A member of the Golf Committee messaged me on LinkedIn, ”We are looking for a little guidance. CRA Ontario wants to set up its own online Registration platform for our events.”

He continued “[...] can you recommend a good platform for us to use for Registration for Golf Tournaments, Members’ Meetings, Conferences, etc. Something fairly simple so our team of volunteers can manage it themselves.”

There was only one thing that came to mind and I knew it would be the answer to what they were looking for. So, I offered them my recommendation. HubSpot.

While I do highly recommend this platform, I will clarify that this is not a sponsored post.

By maintaining an active network and showing a continued interest in the industry, I was able to generate an opportunity to implement HubSpot for the Golf Committee and the subsequent project that unfolds. We would go on to build our first Registration Page soon after that first exchange.

Registration Page -

The Fundamentals // A Hole-In-One Solution

After the first demo meeting with the board, we had established that the free tools available through HubSpot CRM would be sufficient for an initial launch. We discussed the requirements for the golf tournament that the team was planning. The ideal outcome was to create a series of landing pages for industry professionals to register as attendees or sponsors and manage the two lists of contacts in a database. 

With HubSpot, we were able to create the landing pages, forms, and record the contact information in an easy-to-implement format that would be basic enough for the volunteers to manage with minimum effort. Over the course of a few weeks, we prepared the campaign for launch and successfully sold out all the available tee times and sponsorships for the event with plenty of time to spare. 

I was fortunate enough to participate in the tournament and enjoyed the day on the course with members of the golf committee. Special thank you to the CRA Ontario team for working together on this project, you’re a wonderful group and it’s always a pleasure.


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